Quan Zhou (周全)


Quan Zhou (IEEE Senior Member)

National Engineering Research Center of Communication and Network Technology
Key Lab of Broadband Wireless Communication and Sensor Network Technology
College of Telecommunications and Information Engineering
Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications
No.66, new model road, Nanjing, 210003

E-mail: quan.zhou@njupt.edu.cn
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NO PAINS, NO GAINS.—— Robert Herrick , English Poet

Brief Biography

    Dr. Quan Zhou is a Full Professor with Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing, P. R. China. He received the B.S. degree in electronics and information engineering from China University of Geosciences(Wuhan), Wuhan, China, in 2002, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electronics and information engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (supervised by Prof. Wenyu Liu), Wuhan, in 2006 and 2013, respectively. He was a Visiting Professor with Umeå University, Umeå, Västerbotten, Sweden, from April to July 2015, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka, Japan, from June to Augest 2018, and Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA, from 2019 to 2020. He has authored or coauthored more than 80 related academic articles, including IEEE TIP/TITS/TMM/TNNLS/TMI, and PR, etc. His research interests include deep learning, pattern recognition, and computer vision.  He also served as a reviewer for journals and conferences including IEEE TPAMI/TITS/TMM/TCSVT/TNNLS/TYCB/TGRS/TAI/TIM/, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, ICASSP, ICIP, PRCV, etc. He is also a Senior Member of IEEE, CCF, and CSIG. [中文版本]

Research Interests

    My research interests lie in machine learning, pattern recognition, and learning-based vision problems. Particularly, I'm interested in image/video understanding (image recognition, object detection, semantic segmentation), efficient and lightweight deep neural network design (used for edge devices), and low-level visual tasks (image denoising and image recovering, etc ). [中文版本]

Recent News

  • [10/2024] I was promoted to "Outstanding Membership" of China Computer Fundation (CCF).

  • [09/2024] Our paper "Lednet: A Lightweight Encoder-Decoder Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation" has been identified as "Most Influential Paper Award" by IEEE Signal Processing Soceity.

  • [08/2024] Our project "Towards Robust Weakly-supervised Semantic Segmentation via Visual-langrage Large Models" has been funded by National Science Fundation of China (NSFC).

  • [07/2024] I was invited as a Visiting Professor of the State Key Laboratory of Big Data, Guizhou University, P. R. China.

  • [06/2024] I was invited as a Guest Editor for Mathematics (JCR Rank 1, IF = 2.4)

  • [05/2024] 论文 "基于深度学习的弱监督语义分割方法综述" 被 中国图象图形学报 刊出

  • [04/2024] 论文 "图像去模糊研究综述" 被 中国图象图形学报 刊出

  • [04/2024] I was invited as an Associate Editor for Pattern Recognition (JCR Rank 1, CCF B, IF = 8.0)

  • [03/2024] Our paper "DPNet: dual-path network for real-time object detection with lightweight attention." was accepted by IEEE TNNLS (SCI/EI, CCF B)

  • [02/2024] Our paper "Boundary-guided Lightweight Semantic Segmentation with Multi-scale Semantic Context." was accepted by IEEE TMM (SCI/EI, CCF B)


Prof. Wenyu Liu       Prof. Longin Jan Latecki       Prof. Zongyuan Ge      


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